Project Description
DWB was retained by Omineca Aggregate Ltd. to complete a Notice of Work (NoW) Application along with supporting documents and required permits for a proposed 18.1 ha gravel pit located on Crown land in Bear Lake, BC. DWB Biologists conducted an office-based Environmental Assessment of the Regional Study area and Local Study Area at the proposed Barney Lake Sand and Gravel Pit where the following site characteristics were assessed: topography, soils, vegetation, invasive plants, current site use, surrounding land use, streams, groundwater, wildlife, species at risk and environmentally sensitive areas. DWB professionals also obtained an exploration NoW permit, conducted a field investigation to assess the aggregate resource through the advancement of test pits across the Local Study Area and reclaimed test pit sites following exploration.
An Environmental Assessment, Emergency Response Plan (ERP) and a Mine Plan consisting of site drawings and an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) were developed to support the gravel pit NoW submission under the Mines Act and a Licence of Occupation and Road Tenure application under the Lands Act. These documents also substantiated a Temporary Use Permit application which was submitted to the Regional District of Fraser Fort George for a zoning variance to accommodate the proposed gravel pit. To further support the NoW application, DWB assisted the client with establishing Road Use Agreements for tenured roads and submitted a Road Use Permit application for Industrial Use of a Forest Service Road to the Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (MFLNRORD).
The Mine plan included drawings of the proposed gravel extraction operation, site layout, cross sections, pit advancement, stockpiles, and reclamation activities presented in conjunction with an EMP which provided an environmental characterization (the site’s environmental features, surrounding land use, and regulatory requirements). Key components of the plans included land clearing, topsoil and over burden management, invasive plant management, contaminated sites and waste management, spill prevention and response, dust management, soil and erosion control, and reclamation.
Environmental Services
- Environmental Regulatory Permitting
- Environmental Assessment
- Environmental Management Planning
- Reclamation Planning